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Suzhou Green Yin Le Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
Contact: He Jingli
Phone: 086-0512-69591080
Mobile: 13662680350
Fax: 086-0512-69591081
Address: Suzhou City Point Town Center Ying Lake Industrial Park Road on the 3rd

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Author: ComeFrom: Date:2015/6/29 21:24:35 Hits:809
The tank spray cleaning machine, when there is no water or solvent tank needs to be replaced, be careful electrical boxes, proper operation and maintenance.
1, spray washing machine on, the indicator is not lit, the pump does not start.
the reason:
A. Power switch is damaged, there is no power input.
B. ACFU blown fuse.
C. insufficient water spray cleaning machine, automatic protection cause the pump will not start.
2, the beginning of the wash tank, open the heating about half an hour, the temperature has not yet come.
the reason:
A. Fever pipeline off.
B. Blown fuse.
C. heat pipe burn, need replacement.
Next:Hydrocarbon washing machine advantages

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