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Suzhou Green Yin Le Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
Contact: He Jingli
Phone: 086-0512-69591080
Mobile: 13662680350
Fax: 086-0512-69591081
Address: Suzhou City Point Town Center Ying Lake Industrial Park Road on the 3rd

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High pressure spray cleaning machine equipment components

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2015/6/29 21:23:49 Hits:897
SUS304L grade stainless steel cleaning the tank, the domestic brand-name high-pressure pumps, chemical pumps, pipeline pumps, are tailored according to customer needs. It can work for a long time, simple built-in safety heating system, adjustable temperature control systems, security and operation, design and manufacture according to customer requirements.
(1) high-volume continuous automatic operation.
(2) applies to a simple structure and pipe cleaning products.
(3) can be galvanized and stainless steel shell, with PU internal sprinkler piping, closed through passageway. The machine is fully enclosed, made of stainless steel or (square pass) welded skeleton, washing machine cover part of a single-layer structure, the use of 1.2mm thick stainless steel plate, affixed outside insulation and reduce energy consumption. 1.2, tank single-layer structure, the use of stainless steel SUS304 1.2mm thick stainless steel plate production; internal separator is divided into several areas, namely to achieve the cleaning liquid filtration, precipitation of iron filings, oil filter, oil; tank with a water port, discharge port, overflow. Is inclined to the middle bottom sides, concentrated cleaning liquid is discharged from the discharge port of the tank bottom. 1.3, tank fitted with level controller, level abnormal timely reminder to pay, without water. Emergency stopping abnormal situation. 1.4, rust-proof stainless steel tank fitted with internal electric heater, in 30 to 60 minutes from room temperature to the liquid temperature. Automatic temperature control in the range of 10 ~ 90 ℃, manual setting, automatic control. With a temperature controller automatically. Tank externally bonded cotton insulation to prevent heat dissipation.
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