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Suzhou Green Yin Le Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Industry News

What is megasonic cleaning machine

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2015/6/29 21:21:38 Hits:767
  Megasonic cleaning not only save the advantages of ultrasonic cleaning, and overcome its shortcomings. Megasonic cleaning mechanism is a high-frequency (850kHz) vibration effect and combined with chemical reactions to chemical cleaning agent to clean silicon wafers. When cleaning, issued by the transducer wavelength of 1μm frequency of 0.8 MHz high-energy sound waves. In this sonic solution driven molecular testimony acceleration, maximum instantaneous speed of up to 30cm / s. Therefore, it can not form bubbles as ultrasonic cleaning, but only at high fluid wave continuous impact surface of the wafer with the wafer surface contaminants adhered fine particles are forcibly removed and into the cleaning solution.
  Megasonic cleaning polished to remove particles smaller than 0.2μm on the wafer surface, play an ultrasonic failed to do. This approach can also play a mechanical and chemical cleaning wipe the role of two ways. Megasonic cleaning method has become an effective method for cleaning polished.

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