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Suzhou Green Yin Le Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Industry News

Ultrasonic cleaning job how to do

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2015/6/29 21:18:45 Hits:730
  Ultrasonic cleaning is the use of social role of ultrasound in liquids, direct, indirect acceleration acting role and the role of a straight flow of liquids and dirt, so dirt layer is dispersed, emulsified, stripping to achieve the purpose of cleaning. Currently used ultrasonic cleaning machine, get cavitation and direct inflow effect apply more. Cavitation: High-frequency conversion ultrasonic cavitation is to more than twenty thousand times per second, compression force and reducing stress interactive way to the liquid transmission. When Less pressure, vacuum nuclei produce liquid bubble phenomenon, when the compression force, the vacuum bubble nuclei produced by the impact of a strong pressure crushed.
Next:Ultrasonic cleaner power density

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