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Suzhou Green Yin Le Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
Contact: He Jingli
Phone: 086-0512-69591080
Mobile: 13662680350
Fax: 086-0512-69591081
Address: Suzhou City Point Town Center Ying Lake Industrial Park Road on the 3rd

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By vacuum bumping effect, increase the drying rate.

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2015/6/29 21:26:39 Hits:736
  Since the boiling point of the hydrocarbon cleaning agents in more than 140 ℃, at room temperature and atmospheric pressure to evaporate completely generally it takes about one hour. Such drying rate certainly does not meet the technical requirements for the cleaning of the beat. The heating and drying method and prone to fire, which is the hydrocarbon cleaning agent in China, one of the main reasons is not widely available. Vacuum cleaning is generally drier steam cleaning and vacuum dried in a bath, whether in the steam cleaning of the work while the workpiece temperature, then rapidly move into a higher drying tank vacuum cleaning liquid surface will suddenly boiling (bumping vacuum effect) and quickly evaporate. This will reduce the drying time of the workpiece to within a few minutes.

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