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Suzhou Green Yin Le Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
Contact: He Jingli
Phone: 086-0512-69591080
Mobile: 13662680350
Fax: 086-0512-69591081
Address: Suzhou City Point Town Center Ying Lake Industrial Park Road on the 3rd

Company News

Four features of megasonic cleaning machine

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2015/6/29 21:22:15 Hits:825
l megasonic generation is different from the conventional ultrasonic cavitation, to avoid causing damage to the workpiece.
l generator with a liquid crystal display, digital display operation.
l PLL frequency generator with automatic tracking system, you can contact the main computer, exquisite design.
l Easy to install, can be used with and added production line.
Next:Application of megasonic cleaning machine

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